Emilie Freer Jansma: WOMEN OF WEIKERT
State College, Penna., 2017.
Pp. xii, 180. US$27.50. Paperback.
ISBN: 978-1-936466-15-3
Women of Weikert is a compilation of information on the women who have resided in the remote village of Weikert, Union County, PA, since the days of the settlers. Some 223 women are identified as adult residents of Weikert and are researched both in archival sources and through personal interviews and correspondence with family members. The work includes pictorial content consisting of snapshots, some dating back to the nineteenth century, as well as tombstone photography from local cemeteries, especially for earlier individuals. Each article includes genealogical information on the immediate family of its subject. The articles are preceded by a historical foreword providing extensive social and cultural background. EMILIE FREER JANSMA has been recognized for her work as the former Curator of the Koch Collection of historical pictures of Centre County and the Curator of the Doris and Jack Sapia historical negatives collection of the Centre Region. In Union County she received the Historical Society Award for Historical Preservation work. Among her remarkable achievements is a reconstruction in HO scale of the Lewisburg & Tyrone Railroad, Weikert section, with her late husband Dean Jansma. “Emilie has been hard at work for years now on this latest project and I’m looking forward to reading about the history of Weikert’s women when it comes out later this year. Anyone that has ever dabbled in historical research can certainly attest to the challenges of documenting the history of women, whose names often change or are left out altogether from public records. Thank you, Emilie for all your hard work on this important project!” — Micalee Sullivan, West End Quarterly, 2017